I know I have seen a simular question before but I did not get the exact answer I was looking for. I have created a backup of my database in SQL server 7. To my knowledge I just backuped a single databse at a time. The databases might be connected in that data is used between them, but basically it is a databas and a log file that was backup each time.
The windows 2000 server that the datbase resided in has been completely rebult as I lost the c and d drives. The d drive was a raid drive (raid 1 software raid) that I just finished rebuilding but from previous messages that I found that might noe be importain here.
In any case, I get the following error when I try and restore either one or a series of databases in enterprise manager: The volumme on device ‘c:\backup\full_backup\abwells_feb_09’ is not part of a multi family (raid) media set. Use WITH FORMAT to form anew raid set.
How to I fix this error. I was going to try and do the restore from Query Analyser as I have seen some of the restore commands that I can use but that does not elimiate this error.
I have also managed to find out that the error code (not shown in the error message) is error 3259.
Edward Letendre